

Jane Goodall

“We are not the only beings on the planet with personalities, minds, and above all, emotions”

Jane Goo­dall was born in Lon­don in 1934. A year later, the first chim­pan­zee was born in cap­ti­vity, far from Africa, in Lon­don Zoo. The event was cele­bra­ted with chim­pan­zee soft toys called Jubi­lee. Jane’s parents gave her one as a gift and the girl took it everyw­here with her, as if it were a baby. Over the years, Jane mana­ged to tra­vel to the heart of Africa, to Tan­za­nia, to learn about real chim­pan­zees. After seeing them first­hand and living with them, she made some sen­sa­ti­o­nal dis­co­ve­ries

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